Call for paper
The program committee of the 13th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (GAMAICEB) invites authors to submit their full papers for presentation at the 13th GAMAICEB and get the chance to win the Best Paper Award.
Theme: “Bridging Academics and Practices: Boosting Social Impact in Tourism”
*) We also welcome any abstracts and papers that are outside the following topics but related to empirical or conceptual analysis for economics, management, accounting and entrepreneurship.
- Cost and Managerial Accounting
• Financial Performance Measurement in Tourism
• Cost Accounting and Profitability Analysis
• Revenue Management and Pricing in Tourism - Financial Accounting
• Financial Risk Management in Tourism
• Financial Reporting and Accounting Standards in Tourism
• Tourism Investment and Financing - Auditing
• Audit Quality in Tourism
• Audit Practices in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry
• Sustainability Audits in Tourism
• Financial Auditing in Large Tourism Corporations - Taxation
• Tourism Taxation and Financial Compliance
• Tourism and Tax Incentives - Social and Environmental Accounting
• Sustainability Accounting in Tourism
• Greenwashing and Social/Environmental Accounting
• Tourism, Carbon Footprint, and Reporting - Accounting Education
• Accounting Education in Tourism
• Innovation in Tourism Accounting - Corporate Governance
• Ethics and Accountability in Tourism
• Tourism Industry Governance - Accounting Information System
• Adoption and Implementation of AIS in Tourism Businesses
• Security and Data Integrity in AIS for Tourism
Finance And Investment
Human Resource Management
Knowledge and Innovation Management
Operations Management
Leadership & Innovation
Strategic Management
Paper Submission
The paper must be written in good academic English. Spelling follows Webster’s International Dictionary. To ensure an anonymous review, authors should not identify themselves directly or indirectly in their papers.
Submit your paper to this*:
- Abstract submission (Deadline: April 1st, 2025) Please Download our full paper template.
Please submit the Abstract on Google form:
Best Paper Award
The selected paper will have the opportunity to participate in the 13th GamaICEB Best Paper Award with a total prize of Rp.7.500.000 for the best three papers.
The winning paper of the 13th GamaICEB Best Paper Award will have the opportunity to be published in the Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (SCOPUS Q3, EBSCO, DOAJ, ProQuest indexed), contingent upon successful revisions and approval by the journal’s editors. Please note that winning does not guarantee automatic publication, as the paper will still undergo the standard peer review process. All submitted abstracts, however, will be published in the 13th GamaICEB proceedings with ISSN: 2548-7965, as long as the authors have submitted the completed abstracts consent form.
Selected papers will be published by Atlantis Press as part of Springer Nature, according to the focus and scope. The selected papers will be charged an additional publication fee of 1,500,000 IDR. Manuscripts must be written in good, academic English.